8/25/2023 – A huge shout out to our Newsletter Ministry Leadership team. They met this morning to ready the September Newsletter for mailing. A great team effort made this possible. Please keep them in your prayers.
8/24/2023 – Dana and Ryan stopped by for their daily visit. Ryan continues to cheer for the Tigers. Dana spoke about her cousin Dean Woerple, how special he was and how he died. Please keep Dana and Ryan in your prayers.

8/24/2023 – Chris Lozen gave the church a wonderful gift of her own creation. Her stain glass, works of art, will be distributed to others through the RACK M (Random acts of Caring/Kindness Ministry). I thank God for this wonderful servant leader.

8-24-2023 RACKM

8/24/2023 – The Veterans of Alpena gathered this morning to shoot the bull (One vet put it this way). This vital gathering is an opportunity to connect people who served in our nation's defense across all service branches. Next month there will be a free breakfast for all veterans, so come and enjoy a meal, the community, and the stories. We meet on the 4th Thursday of every month at 9:00 AM in the Art in the Loft.
8/24/2023 – The three Amigos were hard at work today on the third-floor bathrooms. Jimmy is displaying the sign for the picnic grounds. Please keep these servant leaders in your prayers.
8/24/2023 – Oh the joy of Beets. Thanks to the crafters and their efforts today making canned beets. An amazing crew of servant leaders. This time Esther has her eyes open.
8/24/2023 – The 3M (Men in Motion for Ministry) gathered this morning to talk about keys in the drawer and keys to the kingdom. Great conversation and community building today. Come and join the faithful conversation.

8-24-2023 3m
8/23/2023 – Peaches were being canned today and what a crew that showed up to make this happen. Great work ladies and thank you for your servant leadership. Come and be part of this dynamic ministry.
8/22/2023 – The Breakfast Belles gathered this morning to talk about the keys in life. Keys in a drawer, keys with a forgotten purpose, and keys to the kingdom. Come and join the faithful conversation.

8-23-2023 belles
8/22/2023 – Beautiful evening on the river with the Soul Sisters. Come join us on August 29th at 5:30!
8/22/2023 – The Stewardship Committee met tonight at Lori & Dennis’ house. Great people, meal, meeting & fellowship.
8/22/2023 – Pastor Clay and Susan Bates stopped by to pick up a key to the campgrounds. Pray that they may find peace and restoration during their time there.

8-22-2023 clay
8/22/2023 – Dana and Ryan stopped by for their daily visit. Ryan is hoping that the Tigers make the playoffs.

8-23-2023 ryan
8/22/2023 – Chloe was baptized on Wednesday and she received a Bible on Sunday. Please keep her in your prayer

8-22-2023 chloe
8/22/2023 – Met at the Ecumenical Pastor's gathering this morning to discuss the scripture readings for this week. Please keep these pastoral leaders in your prayers.
8/21/2023 – Property is working on fixing the sinks on the 3rd floor. Thank you for your servant leadership!
8/19/2023 – Accepted the invitation to the annual church picnic held by the Presbyterian Church. Great people of God celebrating this opportunity to gather together in community, fellowship & fun.
8/18/2023 – Photos from the fair on Friday. Barb was our first elephant ear winner!
8/18/2023 - Jimmy and Jason stopped by to look at the fire extinguishers. Thank you both for your leadership.

8-18-2023 jason
8/18/2023 - Ryan and Dana stopped by today and we sang, "Yellow Submarine," and 'Nowhere Man," from the Beatles. Please keep them in your prayers.

8-18-2023 ryan
8/18/2023 - Met with Bill Rayment (Pastor of first Presbyterian church) for lunch. Please keep him and his congregation in your prayers.

8-18-2023 bill
8/18/2023 - The Country Chicks at Turning Brook this week.
The Country Chicks at Turning Brook
Nov 21, 2024
The Country Chicks at Turning Brook
Nov 21, 2024
The Country Chicks brought joy to Turning Brook with their lively line dances
Oct 18, 2024
Country Chicks at Turning Brook and Besser Living
Sep 27, 2024
The Country Chicks at Turning Brook
Jun 16, 2024
The Country Chicks June Dancing 2024 Video 3
The Country Chicks June Dancing 2024 Video 2
Country Chicks at Besser Living 9/23 vid 1
Sep 15, 2023
The Country Chicks Dancing at Besser Senior Living Community
May 9, 2024
The Country Chicks Dancing at Besser Senior Living Community 2
May 9, 2024
The Country Chicks Dancing at Besser Senior Living Community 1
May 9, 2024
The Country chicks performing their Boot Scootin' Boogie routine at Besser Senior Living last week.
Apr 15, 2024
View More
8/17/2023 – The 3M gathered this morning to discuss torment. A huge shout out to everyone who shared a story from their life of a time where this emotional place was in question. These men have great faith. Come and join the faithful conversation.

8-17-2023 3m

8-17-2023 leaders
8/17/2023 – Had a sacred visit with Nancy on Tuesday. Please keep her in your prayers

8-17-2023 nancy
8/16/2023 – First elephant ears at the fair today.
8/16/2023 – Wednesday at the fair!
8/16/2023 - Had a sacred visit with Kent Peterson today. Kent is the regional manager for the Mission Investment Fund of the ELCA. Great conversation and a great organization making a difference in the world. Please speak with me if you have any investment inquiries.

8-16-2023 peterson
8/16/2023 - Had a sacred visit with Jimmy Nensewitz today. I celebrate the leadership of this man of God. Please keep him in your prayers.

8-16-2023 jimmy
8/16/2023 - Today was a very special day. Wyatte was baptized and celebrated this special gift before family and friends. We met Wyatte at Vacation Bible School and we rejoice in this new relationship. Please keep Wyatte in your prayers as he continues to live out his life in faith.
8/16/2023 - Today was a very special day. Jaden was baptized and celebrated this special gift before family and friends. We met Jaden at Vacation Bible School and we rejoice in this new relationship. Please keep Jaden in your prayers as he continues to live out his life in faith.
8/16/2023 - Today was a very special day. Grayson was baptized and celebrated this special gift before family and friends. We met Grayson at Vacation Bible School and we rejoice in this new relationship. Please keep Grayson in your prayers as he continues to live out his life in faith.
8/16/2023 - Today was a very special day. Cameron was baptized and celebrated this special gift before family and friends. We met Cameron at Vacation Bible School and we rejoice in this new relationship. Please keep Cameron in your prayers as he continues to live out his life in faith.
8/16/2023 - The "Breakfast Belles" gathered this morning to discuss the issue/struggle of torment. May your faith be greater than your trial. Come and join the faithful conversation.

8-16-2023 belles
8/15/2023 - It is movie night for 3M (Men in Motion for Ministry).
8/15/2023 - Education Committee met tonight. Thanks for your leadership.

8-15-2023 education
8-15-2023 - The next winner of the Alpena fair seek and find is to our Boy Scout team/family

8-15-2023 scout
8/15/2023 - First elephant ear goes to Chris and her grand children
8/15/2023 - Seek and find Pastor and Scott at the Fair. An elephant ear is in the balance.
8/15/2023 - Happy Birthday Mary. It is/was a wonderful celebration of 80 years.