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recent news

7-11-2024- The S@SP (Singles At St. Paul) gathered last night and what a joyful time.   The stories and laughter were flowing in celebration.   Come and join the faithful conversation
7-11-2024- Roy and Tim gave a discussion about what to expect in an emergency.   They also discussed Coded alerts and how to sign up for this service.   We have the information and forms in the main office.   Please stop by or sign up on-line and take advantage of this service.
7-11-2024- 3M (Men in Motion for Ministry) gathered this morning, and we discussed Spiritual Blindness and what makes people blind to the blessings around them.  Come and join the faithful conversation.
7-10-2024- Property Committee met tonight to discuss all the work being done around our property. Please keep these leaders in your prayers.
7-10-2024- Visited the Cancer Center and met with Ann Diamond and the center staff. Thanks to the people of St. Paul who are making a difference in the lives of those who are facing hardship and struggles. Please keep the men and women who serve at the Cancer Center in your prayers, as well as those dealing with the myriad of issues that are associated with cancer.
7-10-2024- Had a sacred visit with Dick and Barb Parfitt today.   Please keep them in your prayers.
7-10-2024- Met with the Sunrise Side Conference of the NWL Michigan Synod. Great time of sharing was had by all.
7-10-2024- Had a sacred visit with Bella, Justin and Jaxson today. Jaxson is hoping to be baptized in August. Please keep this wonderful family in your prayers.
7-10-2024- The "Breakfast Belles" met today, and we spoke about "Spiritual Blindness," and giving away your dream. Women of St Paul, come and join us on Wednesdays, 7:30 AM at JJs.
7-9-2024- Met with the leaders of the Baby Pantry today. We thank God for their efforts to help families with babies/small children. Please keep them in your prayers. I also thank God for the people of St. Paul who generously supported this agency for the month of June.
7-9-2024- Education Committee meeting happened tonight. Thanks for your leadership in this special area of ministry.
7-9-2024- More work on the Sacristy continued today.  A huge shout out to Dennis and Jimmy for their servant leadership. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue this mighty work.  Thanks Sherry for the photos and the hard work

7-11-2024- More work on the Sacristy today.  A huge shout out to Dennis and Jimmy for their servant they work on the countertops and the plumbing issues.
7-9-2024- The Church Council voted to use $325.00 dollars, collected during our noisy offering weekends, to send a foster child to camp with the Boy Scouts.  Thanks to our Scout Master, Steve Donajkowski for helping us in this process.
7-9-2024- What a very special day. The Gratitude Luncheon Ministry team prepared meals for Frank's Key and Lock, Perch's IGA, and Jimmie's today. Well done good and faithful servant leaders.
7-9-2024- Celebrated with Ellen Eagon from the "Sunday Supper" ministry today at Trinity Episcopal Church. Thanks to the Trust Committee for their continued financial support of this important ministry.
7-9-2024- The "Forget Me Nots," gathered today in celebration of food, fun, celebrating the sunshine and the picnic grounds.   Thanks to everyone who came to the event.
7-9-2024- The "Forget Me Nots," gathered today in celebration of food, fun, celebrating the sunshine and the picnic grounds.   Thanks to everyone who came to the event.  They even broke into song
7-5-2024- Met with the Presbyterian Pastor Bill Rayment today to discuss the Lenten Season and to celebrate the ministry within the community of Alpena.