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recent news

6-28-2024- Had a sacred visit with Doris Siegert.  What a great time to talk about life in the Spirit.   Please be in prayer for her.
6-28-2024- Had a sacred visit with Gere Romel and her family today.   She was looking forward to Jeopardy and bowling with the other residents at Medilodge.   Please keep her in your prayers
6-28-2024- Had a sacred visit with Margie Hoppe today.   A truly faithful woman.   I loved her prayer for me during our time together.  Please pray for her
6-28-2024- The Newsletter team met this morning. The lease thank them for their time and efforts helping assemble the paper newsletters.
6-28-2024- Had a sacred visit with Dana Panknin today.  She spoke about Pennsylvania and Ryan.  Please keep her in your prayers.
6-27-2024- Joanne was sporting her new hat and working hard today.   We celebrate our servant leaders who work so diligently in the church office.
6-27-2024- Had a sacred visit with Norm today.   He shared some stories about Alpena. In particular, he shared stories about Topps Lunch and the history of this restaurant.  Please keep him in prayer.
6-27-2024- Met with the veterans of Alpena, who gather every 4th Thursday of the month in the Art in the Loft - 109 N 2nd Ave Ste 300, Alpena at 9:00 AM.   Great connections and conversation.  All veterans are welcome, and I hope to see you there on July 25th.
6-27-2024- Met with the veterans of Alpena, who gather every 4th Thursday of the month in the Art in the Loft - 109 N 2nd Ave Ste 300, Alpena at 9:00 AM.   Great connections and conversation.  All veterans are welcome, and I hope to see you there on July 25th.
6-27-2024- The 3M (Men in Motion for Ministry) gathered this morning for breakfast at JJs.   We spoke about motivation and what inspires us to get up.   Please pray for these men and come join the faithful conversation.
6-26-2024- Miss Nena Bible Study – “Lessons I Learned in the Dark” by Jennifer Rothschild met for the last session tonight. Thank you to all who attended.
 6-26-2024- The lost/gnostic gospels class is exploring our faith understanding and the faith of those who wrote these ancient texts.  We explored the Infancy Gospel of Thomas – 2nd Century & the Infancy Gospel of James – 2nd Century.  You can find all of these ancient texts at
Mollie, Myra, Iris, Sue, Joan, Don, Shirley, Danielle and Val received their certificate of celebration. Thank you for sharing your life with us during our time together as we discussed the Lost/Gnostic Gospels. We are richer for it.
6-26-2024- I had the privilege of meeting Kyllian Kenneth Henning today and offering a blessing for his life.   I also visited with Beatrice and David, who continue to celebrate the birth of their son.  Please keep them in your prayers.
6-26-2024- Catherine was unable to attend the Breakfast Belles this morning because of work.  Since she was the inspiration for the gift, I brought one to her at ACE Hardware.
6-26-2024- The Breakfast Belles gathered this morning and were presented with a gift for getting up this morning and coming to this celebration.   We are reminded each day to Get Up and proclaim the Gospel in all that we do and say.  Come and join the faithful conversation.
6-25-2024- Sunrise in Alpena this morning. Thanks Linda
6-24-2024- Jimmy and Dennis were working hard this week.  They repaired the facia on the roof and installed the wash basin. They fixed the faucet in the multipurpose room that was leaking, completed the wash basin, placed a shelf above it and rearranged the room to make the space more open.  The team from Alpena Furniture arrived today to install the flooring in the sacristy.   Please keep them and their service in your prayers. 
6-23-2024- Hannah made $85 from her lemonade/coffee stand during the garage sale last Saturday. She donated it all to Huron Humane Society today! Well done
6-23-2024- Lauren and Emma (New Members) helping out during fellowship ministry time.  We celebrate their servant hearts.
6-23-2024- Had a sacred visit with Bodo and Geri today.  Great stories about childhood games and dreams.  Please keep them in your prayers
6-23-2024- Congratulations to Ella McKenney.   She was awarded a scholarship from St. Paul Ev. Lutheran today.   Please keep her in your prayers.
6-21-2024- Patty was working hard on the float today. Please keep our 4th of July Float ministry team in your prayers.