6-21-2024- Thanks to our office servant leaders who are making a difference every day.   Thanks to Joan for her spirit of joy, her smile and for filling in today.   Well done good and faithful servant.
6-20-2024- Thanks to our servant leaders who to make all things better.   Thanks to Kimberly and Cindy for her efforts this morning.  If you have time in this sacred season of your life, please offer some time to help at St. Paul.
6-20-2024- The work has begun on replacing our Stain glass Windows.
6-20-2024- The 3M (Men in Motion for Ministry) met today and discussed our fears.   Snakes, thunderstorms, and other issues in life that are problematic for faithful lives. Come and join the faithful conversation on Thursday Mornings.
6-19-2024- Miss Nena Bible Study – “Lessons I Learned in the Dark” by Jennifer Rothschild met tonight
at 5:30 PM.  Come and join the faithful conversation
6-19-2024- The lost/gnostic gospels class is exploring our faith understanding and the faith of those who wrote these ancient texts.  Please join us or read them for yourself if you are unable to attend.  We explored the Gospel of Thomas – 2nd Century & Gospel of Peter – 2nd Century.   Next week I encourage everyone to come and talk about the Infancy Gospel of Thomas – 2nd Century & Infancy Gospel of James – 2nd Century.   You can find all of these ancient texts at Gospels.net
6-19-2024- The Littles Worship Center is being decorated today…thanks to Jessica and Jesse
6-19-2024- The lost/gnostic gospels class is exploring our faith understanding and the faith of those who wrote these ancient texts.  Please join us or read them for yourself if you are unable to attend.  We explored the Gospel of Thomas – 2nd Century & Gospel of Peter – 2nd Century.   Next week I encourage everyone to come and talk about the Infancy Gospel of Thomas – 2nd Century & Infancy Gospel of James – 2nd Century.   You can find all of these ancient texts at Gospels.net
6-19-2024- Had a sacred visit with Doreen today.  Please keep her in your prayers.
6-19-2024- I was able to drop off over $300 in stamps, food, beauty, and feminine hygiene items as well as a gas card to Hope Shores Alliance (HSA) today.   Please keep the men and women who are supported by this organization in prayer as well as the volunteers and leaders in HSA.  Thank you to everyone who made these gifts a hopeful reality.
6-19-2024- The Breakfast Belles met this morning and we spoke about our worst fears.  Great people, great food and wonderful conversation.  Come and join us on Wednesday mornings, 7:30 AM at JJs.
6-18-2024- Break in at Campground .  Thanks to Dick for helping fix the door.  No other damage was noted.
6-18-2024- Thanks to Habitat for Humanity for stopping by and picking up the items that remained from the Rummage Sale.  A special thank you to Nancy Smithem who made this possible.
6-18-2024- Dennis, Dick and Jimmy are hard at it today, staining and hanging the door and setting up the Dehumidifiers. This week they made a work bench, hung pictures around the Church, set up a sink, and organized to make for more space. 
6-18-2024- Had a sacred meeting with Pastor Troy last night (former intern).  Wonderful to share stories of faithful ministry.   Please keep him in your prayers
6-17-2024- Enjoyed a sacred meeting with Geraldine Rhodes today.   I was invited to a birthday party celebrating 97 years.  Great time to share stories and celebrate family and community.   Please be in prayer for Geraldine.
6-16-2024- The S.A.L.T. (Sisters Abiding in Light & Truth) ministry leaders met this evening to discuss our small group ministry focused on younger women (18-45). We enjoyed the bonfire, the gentle rain and sharing stories. If you are interested in being part of this ministry group please contact Rachel Techel, Danielle McDonald, or the church office
6-16-2024- Adventure Club at Arzo today.  So much fun
6-14-2024- Had great conversation with Bill Rayment about summer ministry in Alpena.   Please keep him and the First Presbyterian Church in your prayers.