news week of 5-19-2024

5-16-2024 – The 3M (Men in Motion for Ministry) met on Thursday and discussed Pentecost.  Come and join the faithful conversation.
5-16-2024 – Come join the group helping to clean up outside the building this morning. Thank you to everyone for helping.
5-15-2024 – Breakfast was a celebration this morning with the Bells at JJ’s. Join us on Wednesday mornings at 7:30 a.m.
5-15-2024 – Gratitude Lunches blessed the amazing staff at Fitzpatrick Hardware and Ace Hardware with lunch yesterday. Celebrate all these helpful employees who help our community in times of need. Thank you.
5-14-2024 – Thank you to Chad Each at Bannan Funeral Home for an informative discussion with our Stephen Ministry care team and how we can help care for our congregational members in times of crisis.
5-12-2024 – We celebrate with David and Beatrice Henning as they became new members of our congregation today. We rejoice that members of our congregation were able to bear witness in this very special moment.  Please keep them in your prayers.
5-12-2024 - So many couples had their relationships blessed and vows renewed. 
5-10-2024 - Honored the Life of David Connon today in a committal service at Evergreen Cemetary.   Please keep his family & friends in your prayers.
5-10-2024 - More work on the Sacristy today.  A huge shout out to Dennis and Jimmy for their continued servant leadership. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue this mighty work.
5-10-2024 - Blessed the marriage of Bodo and Geri Hanson today.   Bodo really liked my hat, so I shared it with him.
5-10-2024 - What a very special day.  I had a sacred visit with so many wonderful saints of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church - Alpena. My time with Bunny Kelm and Dana Panknin brought a smile. Please keep them in your prayers.
5-10-2024 - Blessed the marriage of Gere and Julian Romel today.   Over 70 years of marriage.
5-10-2024 - Had a sacred visit with Annie Olsen today. Please keep her in your prayers.
5-10-2024 - A special thanks to Bob and Carol Christo for their time this afternoon.   A truly enjoyable time was shared.
5-10-2024 - The challenge to construct, paint and take a photo of your bird feeder was Completed by Sue Robb.  I celebrate her efforts.
5-10-2024 - You can find great people everywhere.   I bumped into Alan at Home Depot.
5-10-2024 - Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser and Bake Sale Fundraiser to benefit Alpena native Jimmy Wright’s Strongman Compition Journey.
5-10-2024 - The Country Chicks Dancing at Besser Senior Living Community.