news week of 3-17-2024

3-13-2024 - Celebrated the promises of God in worship with the ecumenical community at the First Presbyterian Church tonight.  Thanks to these great people of God who welcomed us into their place of worship and provided for our sustenance with soup and bread.  Next week we journey to St Paul Ev Lutheran Church to worship.  Come and join the faithful conversation.
3-13-2024 - Margaret stopped by with Lucy and she just had her haircut.  Lucy received a blessing because she blesses Margaret every day.
3-13-2024 - Thanks Tom, Fred, Eugene and Dennis for your efforts (in Posen) for the Potato/Ice Cream Bar event scheduled for Saturday Night, the 16th of March after worship.  This will be a night to remember.
3-13-2024 - The class, "Let Go, Let God addressed the issue(s) of sin, law and Gospel. Great conversation moving us forward in faith. Come and be part of the faithful conversation.
3-13-2024 - The Lenten Soup Luncheon was wonderful, and I celebrate everyone who was in attendance. Thanks to those who prepared this very special meal. Come and be part of the celebration during the season of Lent.
3-13-2024 - Bonnie continues to give life in wonderful and special ways. She received a gift from Pastor John (Tree of Life Stain Glass miniature) for her vision, service and love.
3-13-2024 - Patti continues to give life in wonderful and special ways. She received a gift from Pastor John (Tree of Life Stain Glass miniature) for her vision, service and love.
3-13-2024 - The challenge to construct, paint and take a photo of a bird feeder was completed by Patti Byce. I celebrate her efforts.
3-13-2024 - Geri continues to give life in wonderful and special ways. She received a gift from Pastor John (Butterfly Stain Glass miniature) for her vision, service and love.
3-13-2024 - Jimmy and Dennis were here late last night, and I celebrate their efforts.
3-13-2024 - Eugene was working in his shop yesterday and he assembled three bird feeders.  These are available for those folks who just want to decorate.   Please stop by Miss Nena's office if you want one.
3-13-2024 - The Breakfast Belles gathered this morning to talk about how God speaks to us.   Great opportunity to celebrate our prayer lives.   Come and join the faithful conversation knowing that everyone is welcome.
3-13-2024 - A huge shout out to Andrea Dutcher for her gift of loaves of bread for the Breakfast Belles. I loved the blessing attached to each loaf.
"May your troubles be less, and your blessing be more and nothing, but happiness come through your door."
3-12-2024 - I wanted to thank St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church - Alpena  for helping promote and support Girl Scouts!! Last fall the church asked for different ways to celebrate Girl Scout week with you. We put together a baby gift basket that will be presented to the family. This is a tradition we have done once a year for over 20 years.  A child was born at the hospital today, March 12 (The birthday of the Girl Scouts).  Her name is Juniper and she weighed 8 Lbs, her family lives in Hawks, and this family will receive the gift. Thanks as always for your support!!! Bronwyn
3-12-2024 - Ryan stopped by for his daily visit.   He really likes the TV shows, "Gunsmoke," & "Bonanza."  Please keep him in your prayers
3-12-2024 - Celebrated that St. Paul Ev Lutheran Church is making a difference in our community.  Today I visited Hinks School  presented them with school supplies and a check for $200 dollars.  Thanks to Steve Genschaw and the school success liaison Jolene Price for receiving these gifts
3-12-2024 - The Gratitude Lunch Ministry Team is doing amazing things in our community. Today we visited three veterinarian offices in town. We celebrate Sunrise Veterinarian Services. Please keep this awesome business and the Gratitude Lunch Ministry in your prayers
3-12-2024 - The Gratitude Lunch Ministry Team is doing amazing things in our community.  Today we visited three veterinarian offices in town.  We celebrate Switzer Veterinarian clinic.  Please keep this awesome business and the Gratitude Lunch Ministry in your prayers.
3-12-2024 - The Gratitude Lunch Ministry Team is doing amazing things in our community.  Today we visited three veterinarian offices in town.  We celebrate Alpena Veterinarian clinic.  Please keep this awesome business and the Gratitude Lunch Ministry in your prayers.
3-12-2024 - So much happening at the church this morning.  The challenge to construct, paint and take a photo of a bird feeder was completed by Geri and Bodo Hanson.  I celebrate their efforts.
3-12-2024 - So much happening at the church this morning. Dick Parfitt stopped by after repairing the clock with some gorilla glue. Looks great.
3-12-2024 - So much happening at the church this morning.  Jimmy and Dennis are working on a new project to straighten up the old Boiler room. It looks better already.  Please see if there are ways you can help them and keep this vital ministry in your prayers.
3-12-2024 - So much happening at the church this morning.  The Stephen Ministry team are meeting for continuing education.  Please keep this vital ministry in your prayers. If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, please contact Miss Nena in the office.
3-11-2024 - I celebrate Barb every day.  Please reach out and thank her for her creativity, professionalism and love.  Well done good and faithful servant.
3-11-2024 - More photos of these delightful servants of God as they fill Easter Eggs.  If you have some free time, please stop by and help put candy in the eggs for our Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 30th at noon.
3-11-2024 - Had a sacred visit with Rosalee Turske this morning.   Please be in prayer for this wonderful woman of God who is struggling.  The picture associated with this post was taken several years ago but it is a reminder of this good and faithful servant.
3-11-2024 - The Egg Stuffers are at it again today. If you have some free time, please stop by and help put candy in the eggs-for our Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 30th at noon.
3-11-2024 - You meet so many great people out and about in Alpena.  Welcome back Ann, it was good seeing you.
3-11-2024 - Dick Parfitt is hard at it again.   What a great Servant Leader.   He was working to set all of the clocks to the correct time.  Well done, good and faithful servant.
3-11-2024 - The "Forget Me Nots" gathered yesterday and enjoyed the play "And Then There Were None." A great performance that was enjoyed by all!
3-11-2024 - Through the snow and the time change I was blessed today with the people I saw in worship.   I am praying for those who wanted to come and were deterred by the weather. a special photo came when Angeline
3-9-2024 - Another servant leader of the month is Jane Guyott.  We celebrate her service and her birthday.
3-9-2024 - Nena’s Class “Chasing Vines,” on Thursday was another opportunity to celebrate the Gospel. Come and join the faithful conversation.
3-8-2024 - today I had a very special time with very special people.  Felix and his Mom (Ashley) stopped by to say hello.   The hat was perfect, and Felix even let me hold him (as long as I didn't tickle him).
3-8-2024 - Thank you to all the people who donated candy and for the servant leaders who are filling them (Sue Robb in the photo).   The process of filling eggs is an ongoing task until the end of this month.   If you have some spare time, please contact Miss Nena knowing that many hands make light work.
3-7-2024 - Kimberly gives so much to our congregation, and she has so much love to give.   Celebrate her birthday with us.
3-7-2024 - Chase and Viv praying before bed.  Way to go Katie.
3-7-2024 - The S@SP (Singles at St Paul) gathered tonight and spoke about motivation.  Then we journeyed to the Thunder Bowl for pizza and conversation.  Cathy left to early so she is represented by the hat.