News week of 11-3-2024

Had a sacred visit with Mable Townsend today. Great stories about life in Alpena. Please keep her in your prayers.

Had a sacred visit with Doris Siegert. What a great time to talk about life in the Spirit and to sport a hat. Please be in prayer for her.

The 3M (Men in Motion for Ministry) met this morning for breakfast at JJs. We spoke about being a witness to the miracles of God. Come and join the faithful conversation.

Amazing group of ladies who attended the last 5:30 study, "Messy People Life Lessons from Imperfect Biblical Heroes." Thanks to everyone who participated

Had a sacred time with Gere Romel today. Please keep her in prayer

Had a sacred visit with Dana Panknin at Turning Brook Senior Living Community today. Please keep her and Ryan in your prayers.

Had a sacred visit with Dick and Barb and I had some broken pumpkin roll. I was told it was without calories. Thanks to Barb and Dick for their wonderful hospitality and the laughter

Had a sacred visit with Dick and Barb and I had some broken pumpkin roll. I was told it was without calories. Thanks to Barb and Dick for their wonderful hospitality and the laughter

Had a sacred visit with Doreen today. Keep her in prayer

Had a sacred visit with Bunny Kelm today. Please keep her in your prayers. She would love to have visitors at Turning Brook.

Had a sacred visit with Dick and Barb and I had some broken pumpkin roll. I was told it was without calories. Thanks to Barb and Dick for their wonderful hospitality and the laughter

Had a sacred visit with Dick and Barb and I had some broken pumpkin roll. I was told it was without calories. Thanks to Barb and Dick for their wonderful hospitality and the laughter
Had a sacred visit with Margaret Kirby at the hospital today. Please keep her in prayer.
Had a sacred visit with Phyllis Robb today. She was sleepy. She is a wonderful woman.
Had a sacred visit with Eleanor today at Besser Senior Living Center. Please keep her in your prayers.
Had a sacred visit with David Reeves today. Please keep him in your prayers.
Had a sacred visit with Phyllis Robb today. She was sleepy. She is a wonderful woman.
Had a sacred visit with Eleanor today at Besser Senior Living Center. Please keep her in your prayers.
Had a sacred visit with David Reeves today. Please keep him in your prayers.