news week of 11-17-2024


The Breakfast Belles celebrated as they showed up in force today. What a wonderful conversation about things we need to watch out for, in this world. A special thank you to our anonymous benefactor who blessed us by paying for breakfast. Come and join the faithful conversation on Wednesdays, 7:30 AM at JJs restaurant.
Ryan stopped by for his daily visit. Please keep him in prayer


Celebrated with Meaghan Black, the Principal of Ella White, her staff, Cameron, and Sage. I presented them with gifts from our congregation to help the children attending there. A huge shout out to the people of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church - Alpena who are making a faithful difference in our schools.
A huge shout out to Rickie and Esther Kindt for the gift/blessing of wooden crosses that are shared as a gift to all of our visitors. Please keep this ministry, Rickie and Esther in your prayers.

Gratitude Lunches

Stewardship Committee met today to discuss the vision for 2025. Thank them for their servant leadership


I was invited to various Veterans Day events and I accepted the invitation from Cameron, Ava, Sage and Alex (and Owen) who attend Ella White School. I celebrated with a variety of Veterans and the people they were connected with on this very special day. Please keep our veterans in prayer each day.

Thanks to JJs for honoring our veterans today with a free meal. Wonderful people we found here tonight
Thanks to JJs for honoring our veterans today with a free meal. Wonderful people we found here tonight


Blessings of the veterans

Adventure Club swimming today at the pool.


Thanks Jesse for painting the doors.

Blessings of the veterans