The 3M (Men in Motion for Ministry) gathered this morning for breakfast at JJs. They forgave those not in attendance. Please pray for these men and come join the faithful conversation.
Had a sacred visit with Joel and BJ Foster today in the hospital. Please be in prayer for Joel.
Please be in prayer for the family of Steve Gapske. Steve passed away this morning.
Had a sacred visit with Steve Gapske and his family in the hospital today. Please keep him in your prayers. Had a sacred visit with Storm in the hospital today . Please keep him in your prayers.
Ryan Stopped by for his daily visit and I gave him a Christmas present, inspiring him to celebrate this special season. Please keep him in your prayers.
Had a sacred visit with Steve Gapske in the hospital tonight. We spoke about cars and family. Please keep him in your prayers. Had a sacred visit with Margaret Lucian in the hospital this afternoon. Please keep her in prayer.
Had a sacred visit with Margaret Lucian in the hospital tonight. Please keep her in prayer. Had a sacred visit with Steve Gapske in the hospital tonight. We sang “Hark the Herald,” and we recited the 23 Psalm. Please keep him in your prayers.
Had great conversation with Bill Rayment about winter/holiday ministry in Alpena. Please keep him and the First Presbyterian Church in your prayers.
Had a sacred visit with Gere Romel today. The whole place was getting ready for some holiday fun. Please keep her in prayer
Had a sacred visit with Phyllis Robb today. She was sleepy and when I wished her a merry Christmas, she just nodded. Please keep her in your prayers Had a sacred visit with Doris Siegert. She was getting ready to have some fun. Please be in prayer for her. Had a sacred visit with Margaret Lucian in the ER today. Please keep her in prayer. Had a sacred visit with Margaret Lucian in the hospital tonight. Please keep her in prayer.