Children's Church - Joann Huggler
St. Paul Lutheran Church offers an opportunity for children to learn about their faith during the 10:30 a.m. contemporary worship service. This program is designed to help children deepen their understanding of their faith while engaging in a kid-friendly interactive experience. For more information on this program, please contact us.
During the Contemporary, 10:30 service we will have Children’s church (another name for Sunday School). Parents and children are invited to the 10:30 service and after a prayer and a song, the children will go with Miss Nena for Children’s Church. This learning opportunity is a time of learning, celebration, and fun while allowing parents to worship. The children will meet for about 40 minutes and then return to the 10:30 service for the final song. Please pray for this ministry and support this outreach with your time and effort by sharing it with your friends and family.